Beyond Brains
Set in an abandoned restaurant during the zombie apocalypse, we follows Matt, a lone survivor, and Alex, a surprisingly sentient zombie. When their paths cross, an unexpected bond forms over sizzling Beyond Meat patties, proving that Beyond Meat satisfies even the deadliest of cravings.
Satisfy even the deadliest cravings, Beyond Meat.
Meet the Cast!
Brian - Alex Panzano
Matt - Thomas Dyer
Unit Production Manager
I was the Unit Production Manager (UPM) on this short film.
The UPM is the right-hand of the Producer. While they took a more proactive role with the budget and schedule, I became the key problem-solver on set. Helping out multiple departments, I made sure everything was running smoothly, efficiently, and on time. I was responsible for the liability paperwork that records the day’s events, delays, absences, technical issues, etc.